Inspirándose en la salvaje y escarpada costa gallega a la que llamamos hogar, cada vela LUME se mezcló para capturar la esencia de esta tierra mágica y misteriosa.
Estas velas son un homenaje a la generosidad de Galicia ya los momentos fugaces que quedan grabados para siempre en nuestra memoria gracias al poder del olfato.

The creamy wax used in LUME candles is a proprietary blend of European-sourced rapeseed (colza) and beeswax, resulting in a smooth burn and exceptional ability to carry scent through a space, even when unlit.

Each container is unique and hand-crafted in Galicia, Spain. We recommend giving your containers a second life when your candle is finished.

Our scents are sourced from the birthplace of perfume, Grasse, France. They are guaranteed phthalate-free.

Simplex Sigillum Veri, simplicity is the sign of truth. We like to keep things uncomplicated so we can focus on the good stuff.